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Risk factors and symptoms of Sciatica

Known as lumbar radiculopathy, Sciatica is a particular condition of the body, which can caused by the compression of nerve. Numbness, tingling, and pain on the sciatic nerve can cause by sciatica. Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve of the body which runs from the lower back of our body to the back and legs. The symptom of sciatica can be mild to extreme. Normally the pain is felt in one sides of the body at a time. Different treatment options available for it. But most of the time it goes away by its own. But if the pain prevails for a long time, one should take medicine or therapy to get rid of the pain. Many people go for the home remedies at first to treat the problem. If home remedies are not working, one should definitely take doctor’s suggestion. 

Risk Factors for Sciatica

There are some risk factors for Sciatica which can increase the problem for you. Some risk factors include-
1)      If your age is between 45 and 65, you are at high risk of experiencing sciatica.
2)      Height and weight also plays an important role for having sciatica. If you are taller and healthier than average, you may develop the risk of sciatica.
3)      Normally, man are more prone to the risk of sciatica than woman.
4)      Different health issues like diabetes, stress, smoking, alcohol, etc. may also increase the chance of sciatica.
5)      During pregnancy, a woman may have a high chance of having sciatica. As the weight is increased due to the pregnancy, the lower back pain and sciatica are common in pregnancy.
6)      If you are engaged in such job where you will have to sit for a long time, you may have the risk of getting sciatica.
What are the symptoms of Sciatica?
The sciatica symptoms can vary person to person. Depending on the health condition and lifestyle, different people can feel different type of pain of sciatica. Some may feel numbness where some may feel tingling feeling on their body. However, there are some common symptoms by which doctors diagnose the sciatic symptoms. These are-
1)      Pain in lower back, spine, buttock, and back leg.
2)      Burning sensation and tingling around the area down of the back and thigh.
3)      Weakness and numbness in the muscle and different parts of the body.
4)      Pain in one side of the body, etc. 
What are the treatment options available for Sciatica?
Different type of treatment options are available for Sciatica. But one of the most effective ways which has been popular on the internet nowadays is the ciatica sos program. This program is launched only for treating the Sciatica pain in the most effective way.


  1. It's a really helpful article about Risk factors and symptoms of Sciatica. Thanks for sharing this nice article.


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